The Benefits of a Virtual Wellness Program for Your Company and Remote Employees


Remote work, which at first might have been thought of as a temporary Covid safe solution, is now here to stay as many companies and employees are seeing the benefits including higher productivity levels, saved commuting time, and lower office expenses. Companies also have the potential to attract more competitive talent as their recruiting pools expand with geographic location as less of a limiting factor.

However, remote work still comes with its challenges including disconnected teams, fewer opportunities to get to know colleagues, employee isolation, inability to unplug, and decreased engagement; all which will affect productivity levels over the long-term.

Here are a few ways virtual wellness programs help combat these challenges:

Increases trust and collaboration among teams and departments through shared experiences.

The opportunity for spontaneous conversations over a coffee, lunch, or the proverbial office water cooler simply no longer exists when working remotely. Even with scheduled Zoom meetings, the chance to get to know and bond with other departments or those within a different level of the company are few and far between. A shared virtual experience open to all such as a wellness workshop or class brings everyone in the company together separate from a formal meeting. This allows people to get to know one another increasing collaboration, trust and interconnection.

Reduces burnout, increases productivity and improves quality of work by promoting self-care.

Remote work has blurred the lines of when we are working and when we are not. This can greatly contribute to employee burnout effecting work quality.  Wellness programs encourage and educate employees to take good care of themselves so they are able to rest and recover more efficiently to better mentally and physically prepare for the work day. With proper rest and recovery, employees are able to focus more easily and develop greater resilience to challenge and illness. These healthy habits also boost our self-esteem and sense of self-worth, which only enhance our productivity and motivation levels.

Improves communication, problem solving and conflict resolution leading to greater employee satisfaction and more harmonious work environments.

Programs for both physical and/or emotional well-being help employees to better manage stress, problem solve, and resolve conflict from the clarity of thought and emotional processing that wellness classes promote. When we can properly understand our thoughts and feelings, we can more effectively communicate them to those around us. This can apply to clients, customers, colleagues, co-workers, leadership, or other departments for improved interactions that help increase employee satisfaction and drive the company forward.

Reduces healthcare costs and absenteeism.

While physical absenteeism due to illness is generally no longer applicable with remote work, the quality of work is likely to suffer if employees are working while sick or forced to take time off. Wellness programs keep teams healthy, and ultimately reduce healthcare costs from improved stress management, lower blood pressure and increased heart health and healthy habits.

Enhances company culture, shows employees they are valued, and helps to attract and retain quality talent.

Company culture is often felt in the air the second you enter a physical office space. It is important because healthy and positive cultures keep people committed and dedicated as a team especially when it’s needed the most (i.e. during turbulent times or times of drastic change). Virtual wellness programs help to establish and/or reinstate company culture even if not everyone is in the same physical space. It shows that you value your employees and care about their health and happiness both as members of your organization and as humanized individuals.


Interested in bringing a virtual wellness program to your company? Visit or contact to learn more.