Corporate Wellness


When we are healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally, our minds are sharper, we are better able to problem solve, make decisions, and more effectively communicate with others. This leads to more harmonious and productive work environments that increase job satisfaction, boost morale, and improve engagement creating more efficient, fulfilled, and purposeful teams. This not only improves company performance, but also positively impacts our society as a whole by promoting a culture of well-being, compassion, mutual respect, and appreciation.

Challenges we face in the workplace today:

  • Always “connected” technologically, making it difficult for employees to truly unwind, rest, and recharge.

  • Physically unbalanced jobs that are sedentary, require large amounts of standing and/or travel that lead to chronic pain and injuries.

  • Spending too much time in the office effecting our work life balance, or working remotely which may cause feelings of isolation and disconnection.

The Statistics:

-87% of employees say they consider health and wellness offerings when choosing an employer.*
-ROI’s on wellness programs are $3.72 in reduced healthcare costs; $5.82 in lower absentee costs.*

*Global Wellness Institute

Our Services