Self Care for the Fall


With summer far behind us, fall in full fledge, and the holiday season fast approaching, our self-care rituals need to reflect these seasonal changes so we can remain happy and healthy during such transitional periods. Fall is a time to recognize when we need to slow down in order to keep our spirits up and immune systems resilient. Here a few self-care ideas to keep our bodies, hearts, and minds nourished during the autumn season.

 1. Go for a hike
 The simplicity and wonder of nature helps us to better connect with ourselves and clear our minds. Outdoor hikes are particularly invigorating during cooler months and can wake us up if we are feeling stuck or in a rut. During the fall you also might see breathtakingly beautiful foliage and receive the benefit of natural feel good chemicals your body produces from physical activity. Celebrate the completion of your hike with a warm apple cider or spiced tea.

2. Light candles
The warm, cozy hue of candlelight offers a soothing and relaxing ambiance. Scented candles might spark vivid, happy memories from your past if you’re feeling down. The most eco-friendly option is Beeswax candles, which are also natural air purifiers. To add a scented aromatherapy element, pair it will an essential oil diffuser with comforting fall scents such as cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, or cedar wood.

3. Take a warm bath
As the weather gets cooler and the days grow a little darker we may seek warmth in many ways. Taking a warm bath soothes tense muscles caused by stress in our lives or from clenching our body parts such as shoulders, neck, or jaw to keep warm. You might listen to relaxing music or an inspiring podcast to enhance the setting.

4. Roast root veggies
With root vegetables in peak season starting in the fall, this is the best time to consume them to get the full nutritional value. You also may find they taste a little sweeter due to the colder temperatures. These grounding veggies are packed with antioxidants and fiber to aid in keeping healthy during flu season, regulate your digestive system and keep you energized.

5. Write a thank you/appreciation note
Take a moment to make a list and reflect on the people in your life who have been kind to you. Write and send them a thank you note or email, letting them know your appreciation for them. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you last spoke or interacted with them. Taking this opportunity will remind you of all that is good in your life and your connection to others. This is particularly helpful when you feel lonely or sad.  Showing our appreciation for others opens our hearts and helps to cultivate our own happiness as we spread happiness to those around us.

What ways are you taking care of yourself during this fall season?!

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