The Power of Intention Setting


Seeing things through a different set of lenses

Setting intentions helps us to better align our actions and thoughts with our deepest values. As soon as we wake up, it is easy to get caught up in our to-do lists, what we want to accomplish that day, and often our fears and stressors. However, if we take a moment to set a clearly defined intention, it not only helps to bring a fresh start to the day, but also to remind ourselves of how we want to show up in the world on a regular basis.

An intention in yoga or meditation can be defined as awareness of a quality or virtue you want to cultivate for yourself. This is different from a goal (more on goal setting can be found here). An intention is threaded into aspects of our lives, versus trying to achieve a specific outcome. To find a meaningful intention, you may start by checking in with how you are feeling and reflecting on the things that truly matter to you. This helps to find an intention that will make you feel more balanced, whole, and in alignment with your true nature. Examples may be calmness, strength, compassion, understanding, loving-kindness, playfulness, or simply awareness of the present moment.

Intentions are most effective when we are able to call upon them when faced with difficulty, uncertainty, disappointment or even just busyness of the day. Without this reminder, it can be easy to lose sight of what is most important and react in harmful ways. Or we simply go through life on autopilot without thinking much about the quality of our actions or the nature of our thoughts. Our intentions can help anchor and guide us to respond in more skillful and conscious ways to live a richer and more meaningful life.

One way to set your intention is to find a quiet moment and reflect upon a quality or essence you want to bring into your day. Repeat that word in your mind a few times in coordination with your breath. Try to feel your intention spreading throughout your whole body. Then during the day see if you can remember your intention and how it felt in your body. If you have an important meeting, doctor’s appointment, job interview, or other big event, channeling your intention can reframe a stressful or overwhelming experience into a more positive one.    

If you are in the habit of making “to-do” lists for yourself, write your intention on the top and bottom of the list as a reminder to perform each task while incorporating your intention; i.e. responding to emails with an intention of compassion, working on a report with the intention of calmness, calling customer service with an intention of kindness and understanding. If you approach these different types of situations with your intention, notice how the world around you or the conversation shifts. Remember to bring awareness to these intentions for yourself as well and notice if you need to offer yourself a little more kindness and compassion.


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