Cultivate connection, increase engagement, and elevate experiences through virtual and on-site wellness programming.

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We are a corporate wellness programming company that has served corporations, hospitality groups, residential communities, and non-profits in South Florida, NYC and across the country for over 6 years. From fortune 500 companies to rapidly growing startups, luxury high-rises/hotels, school districts, senior centers, and libraries, we are committed to serving all of our clients fueled by our passion for facilitating healthier and happier lifestyles for all.

Led by highly qualified and committed professionals we provide corporate wellness programs including:

Meditation, Yoga, Fitness, Nutrition, Workshops, Guest Speakers, and more.



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“Companies must adopt a culture of wellness as the default, not the exception, if they want to attract and retain good people”
-Global Wellness Report

- 87% of employees say they consider health and wellness offerings when choosing an employer.
- ROI’s on wellness programs are $3.72 in reduced healthcare costs, and $5.82 in lower absentee costs for every $1 spent.

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The demand for residential wellness communities and programming is at an all time high.

- Wellness lifestyle real estate developments achieve home sale price premiums averaging 10-25%.

- 1.3 million potential buyers in the United states are looking for wellness communities each year.

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People increasingly want to keep up with their healthy habits when they travel.

- Wellness travelers spend more per trip than the average tourist; 41% more than the typical international tourists, and 175% more then the typical domestic tourist.

- Wellness tourism is expected to grow by 16.6% annually reaching $1.4 trillion by 2027.

(Global Wellness Institute 2022)


vô hạn (adjective)-infinite; boundless